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Big Data Analytics Management Platform

TEL:+86-0531-61360166 +86-0531-61360266

Big Data Analytics Management Platform
Order Hotline:+86-0531-61360166 +86-0531-61360266
Product Description

Big Data Platform Modeling Objectives:

I. Supplier management improvement、Manufacturing Value Enhancement

1、Cause analysis of process optimization; 2、Equipment predictive maintenance; 3、Production line abnormality monitoring;4、Product quality control;

II. Supplier management improvement

1、Risk prediction and analysis; 2、Delivery time and path optimization; 3、Supplier evaluation and credit management;

III. Customer demand management enhancement

1、Demand mining of customer behavior: 2、Accurate and personalized product pricing; 3、Predictive maintenance and repair of products; 4、Better product experience;

IV. Operational value enhancement

1, better management of assets;  2, reasonable resource consumption;  3, avoid human error;  4, real-time recommended technology tools;  5, enhance user efficiency and convenience.

Other functional implementations can be custom developed.