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Workshop personnel location management system
Product Categories:Smart Factory
TEL:+86-0531-61360166 +86-0531-61360266
The personnel location management system is a comprehensive management platform successfully developed on the basis of wireless pulse technology, combined with advanced communication, computer and network technologies.
The positioning system developed by our company adopts self-developed wireless pulse technology to achieve accurate positioning of personnel, materials and vehicles in industrial plants, with a positioning accuracy better than 30 cm. By deploying a positioning base station at the positioning site, the target object to be positioned needs to wear a positioning tag, thus realizing real-time precise positioning of the target object, based on which various functions can be expanded to achieve intelligent control of personnel, materials and vehicles and realize rich functional applications.
The whole positioning system consists of 3 parts, 1. is the data collection layer (including positioning tags and positioning base stations); 2. is the data transmission layer; 3. is the data processing layer (mainly including servers and positioning platform software).
The system is a combination of factory personnel attendance and positioning, sensor data collection and early warning, wireless voice communication, etc. It is also a factory personnel positioning system with domestic technology, stable operation and professional design. It enables the management personnel to master the distribution status of factory personnel and equipment and the movement track of each personnel and equipment at any time, which facilitates more reasonable scheduling management.
When an accident occurs, rescuers can also quickly understand the location of the personnel concerned according to the data and graphics provided by the plant's personnel attendance and positioning and safety monitoring management system, and take corresponding rescue measures in time to improve the efficiency of emergency rescue work. The realization of this technological achievement will provide a strong guarantee for the safe production and daily management of the plant construction to reach a new level.
Other functional implementations can be custom developed.
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Phone:+86-0531-61360166 Fax:+86-0531-61360566 Address: No. 501A, Building 3, Aosheng Building, No. 1166 xinluo Street,Gaoxinqu, Jinan, Shandong ProvinceJinan Xiangkong Automation Equipment Co. Copyright 2020 Technical Support:zlxk